Friday, 8 April 2011

#MusicDiaryProject - Day One

Well... day one for me day four for everyone else because I'm late to this thing... It really interests me though, so I thought I'd start my week here...

As my friend Alex wrote in his blog yesterday [I'm shamelessly stealing the italics styling for band names & song titles by the way] if you wake up with a song in your head, the only way to get it out, is to listen to it. Musically, my days almost always start with waking up with something in my head & that's always the first thing I listen to. This morning then, the alarm went off & like a radio tuning itself in Jenny & The Ess Dog by Steve Malkmus fades in... except I can't remember what the name of the song is or who wrote it so I'm just singing it to myself until my boyfriend replies to the text I sent him to find out. I have it playing on YouTube while I put my make up on. It's probably stuck in my head because it was the last thing I listened to in the car on the way back from Ikea last night.

I also tend to hear something in a song that reminds me of something else for no apparent reason and that spark of vague semblance led to my next choice of Whatever Makes You Happy by Paul Westerberg.

I have a stack of new albums & recent purchases to listen to at the moment, so on the tube this morning I finish off 3 Rounds & A Sound by Blind Pilot & then put it on repeat until I reach the office. It's funny because usually, seeing a band live cements my love or dislike of them, but when I saw Blind Pilot supporting The Decemberists recently I wasn't really convinced either way. The album however, is really rather good & I'm loving it more with every listen.

I tend to get obsessed with records I like so the Blind Pilot album also soundtracked my journey home.

Lamentably we had to return to Ikea tonight, but it meant that we got to listen to some of Lewies mix CDs... Steve Malkmus again, Uh Wuh Oh by Bobby Bare Jr, Song For The Dumped by Ben Folds Five Mexico - Samiam, Turnstile Blues - Autolux, Tell 'Em - Sleigh Bells & WhiskeyTown covering A Song For You by Gram Parsons...

Then Lewie was playing bits of different songs on his acoustic guitar, finishing on Sweet Home Alabama... 

Lastly, I'm working on another blog post while listening to Bobby Bare Jrs Daytrotter Session 

Actually that's a fairly typical day for me!

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