Friday, 8 April 2011

John Grant - Shepherds Bush Empire 27 March 2011

A bit late on the posting front, but better late than never eh?

A couple of Sundays ago I got a late call from RaggedWords telling me they'd had last minute confirmation for John Grant supported by Sea Of Bees at Shepherds Bush Empire. I had just enough time to get my kit ready, get changed & grab a bite before heading out to west London.

Shepherds Bush Empire had been on my hit list of venues for some time so I was doubly excited. Walking in to find that it was a seated gig was a bit of a surprise. The second thing I noticed, no stage, followed by, errr, no pit... I think I said 'yikes' or words to that effect... After speaking to several members of staff I and the other photographers established that we'd be shooting from the aisles, no further forward than the first three rows. I think I said something a little stronger than yikes that time...

Anyway, here are a few of the photos... the full set are here... all shot from the fourth row, on my knees.

John Grant was jaw droppingly good by the way. I'm less of a fan of Sea Of Bees... I suspect it's the whole me-not-liking-female-vocalists-thing... sorry Annika!

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