Sunday, 10 April 2011

#MusicDiaryProject - Day Two

This is for yesterday...

The by now obligatory 'song I woke up with in my head' is Holland 1945 by Neutral Milk Hotel... not a bad way to start the day! Followed by Bird Stealing Bread by Iron & Wine & the first half of Iron Chic's Not Like This album as I was getting ready to go out.

Most of the day was spent driving around, flat viewing, grocery shopping, trip to the hardware store etc... so mostly I was listening to CDs in my car, and what ever Lewie fancied as he's in charge of these matters while I'm keeping my eyes on the road, so the list went pretty much like this:

Hooray For The Riff Raffs self titled new release
then on to a mix CD:
Leash - Pearl Jam
Detroit Has A Skyline - Superchunk
Belong - The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart
Southpaw - Smoke Or Fire
and many more that neither of us can remember at this point...
The evening was spent in a pub in Lewisham celebrating a friends birthday & supposedly watching some bands... I was so busy catching up with friends though, that I'm ashamed to say I didn't hear any of the bands and all I listened to music wise was whatever was being piped out in to the garden... I remember them playing She's Electric by Oasis because I absolutely hate that song but everything else got drowned out by beer & chit chat...

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